Make the Most Out of Your Bobcat Loader Hire With These Tips

14 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Loaders are versatile construction equipment that is used to move landscaping, renovation, and construction materials from one location to another. They can also be used together with various attachments to perform other roles such as digging and making holes and trenches. They can work in limited access areas where large equipment cannot be used. Hiring this equipment can lead to significant time and resource savings. Here are tips on how you can make the most out of this equipment and maximize productivity on your site.

Choose the right configuration

Loaders are available in various configurations, and choosing the ideal one for your project needs is the first step towards ensuring maximum efficiency. There are wheeled, tracked, and skid-steer loaders and all are suitable for various applications and different working environments.

  • Wheeled loaders move on four wheels like most automobiles. They have a front-mounted bucket that is used to move materials from one location to another. They can also be used to transfer materials from ground level onto an open trench during excavation, or onto a dump truck.
  • Track loaders comprise of a tracked chassis that allows maneuverability on rough terrain. Most track loaders are powered by hydrostatic transmission and feature electro-hydraulic controls which supply the loader with enough power to perform digging and loading applications on the toughest terrains.
  • Skid-steer loaders are incredibly versatile as they can use various attachments to carry out different jobs on the site. The attachments can save you from hiring other equipment such as forklift, mower, or bulldozer. Skid-steer loaders are available in both wheeled and tracked configurations.

Choosing the loader that best suits your construction needs will ensure that you get the most out of the hiring process.

Inspect the equipment

In most cases, the loaders available for hire are usually used at some point, and this is one of the factors that make hiring much cheaper than purchasing your equipment. Since the loaders have been used before, they may have parts that aren't functioning properly or are worn out and defective. Inspect the loader's attachments, boom, mechanics, controls, and other parts before finalizing the hiring process to ensure that it is in good physical and working condition. Any defects should be addressed beforehand to reduce downtime during your project.

Prepare your site

Most loader hire companies will charge you by the number of hours you rent the equipment. By preparing your site before the equipment is delivered, you will minimize the amount of time wasted, and this can translate into savings. Clear any debris or materials that may hinder the maneuverability of the loader. Also, prepare the site on which the loader will work to reduce time wastage once it is delivered.

By observing the tips, you can get the most out of your loader hire, make savings, and reduce downtime during the construction project. For more information, contact companies like Eastern Plant Hire.
