Two Tips for the Safe Use of a Crane on a Construction Site

28 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you need to use a crane on your construction site, here are some safety tips that you should bear in mind.

Put a barrier in place to prevent those not involved in the lifting operation from getting too close to the crane

One effective way to prevent accidents when cranes are being used on a construction site is to place a barrier (in the form of hazard tape or a temporary fence) around the area in which the equipment is going to be used. The closer a person is to the crane whilst it is in operation, the greater their chances are of being badly hurt by the machinery.

For example, if a worker who is not involved in the lifting operation comes very close to the crane whilst they are walking past it and the crane operator accidentally releases the load that the equipment is carrying, the materials could fall on the worker, in which case they could be severely injured or killed.

Likewise, if a worker passes by the rear of the crane whilst it is in use and the operator is unaware of their presence, the operator could run over that worker when they reverse the crane. This could result in that person being fatally injured.

Setting up a barrier which physically prevents those who are not involved in the lifting operation from getting too close to the crane and the load it is carrying will significantly reduce the chances of anyone being hurt whilst the crane operator uses the equipment.

Make sure that the crane operator does not rush through the lifting operation

If you need to get your construction project finished by a specific date and that deadline is now approaching, you may be tempted to encourage your construction crew to work very quickly. However, it is very important not to tell your crane operator to rush through the lifting operation; in fact, you should instruct them to perform their work slowly and carefully.

The reason for this is as follows; if the arm of the crane is swung from one position to another in a very quick manner whilst it is carrying a heavy load, the load could gain too much momentum and end up crashing into a nearby building or piece of equipment.

If there are people in the building or if there is someone operating the equipment, these individuals could sustain severe injuries.
