What to Know About Buying a Dewatering Pump for Your Home

20 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you live in an area that is prone to floods, you may have had flooding of your basement or other hard-to-clear areas. This can lead you to calling a contractor to pump out and dry out the area. Over time, you may find that it would be easier to buy your own pump. Dewatering pumps are your most common option, but you may not know much about them. Here are a few things to know and what you should consider before buying this type of pump.

Draining Options

One of the key points to remember is that the pump can pump out the water, but you need to consider the drainage options. This means considering the possible drainage being a gravity-fed drainage, side drainage, or an additional pump drainage that drains out all of the water up and out of the area. If you use a side drainage, the water will go through a trenched area and pipe to the side of the room and out to a retaining area. If you choose the upwards pump, then you will be moving the water to a holding tank of some kind. The gravity-fed may have your pump emptying into a tank located in the same area as the dewatering pump.

Trench Cleaning

Your basement and other internal areas of your home may not be the only areas that are flooded. You may find that you have trench flooding as well. This can happen during severe heavy rains and storms. You can use the dewatering pump for your trench cleaning and drainage areas as well. This means you can get the water flowing around your home to reduce the chances of culvert, foundation, and other damages to the home due to the water and flooding.

Timing of Use

A key point that homeowners need to remember about using dewatering pumps for their flooded residential areas is timing. For example, you will need to ensure you are not using the pump during the rain. You need to wait until the rain has stopped in order for the pump to be used. This may mean using it at different intervals during breaks in the storm to remove the water and keep the flooding down if the weather persists. 

When you are ready to buy a dewatering pump, contact your local industrial equipment retailer. They can help you with the options suitable for your residential needs. They can also help you with the maintenance, installation, and related questions regarding the pump you choose. If you have further questions, you may be able to schedule a consultation to view your home and the area for the pump. 
