Considerations When Buying Dewatering Pumps

14 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Dewatering pumps are essential in construction and mining sites. This equipment helps contractors drain pits and pump water from underground tanks. However, choosing the right pump can be pretty challenging. Below are some tips to help you select dewatering pumps

Examine The Pump's Reliability 

One of the challenges contractors experience when buying dewatering pumps is that they cannot compare the different pump models. Dewatering pumps in construction and mining sites work in rugged conditions. Therefore, you must conduct background research to determine the reliability of the various pumps. Construction blogs and reviews on the company's website are reliable sources of this information. Nevertheless, you should also assess the warranty conditions to determine whether the manufacturer gives guarantees on the pump and the various components. For instance, some manufacturers offer free servicing and maintenance for a specified period. 

Determine The Required Features

Below are some of the features to examine when buying a dewatering pump; 

  • The pump size would be a concern if you intend to place it in constricted areas.
  • Assess the pump's flow rate to know the volume of water it can pump within a specified period.
  • What is the pump's maximum head? It determines the vertical distance that the equipment can pump water.
  • What type of pump do you prefer? Some pumps are submersed in water, while others are designed to pump dirty water.
  • How noisy is the pump? Consider pumps with noise reduction features if you intend to use it in locations with noise restriction regulations. 

Assess The Pump's Maintenance Needs 

What are the pump's maintenance needs? Start by evaluating the pump's fuel consumption rate. As a rule, you should consider models with high fuel efficiency, although they might be a bit expensive. You also need to evaluate the pump's servicing schedule. For example, how many hours does the pump need to run before needing minor or major servicing? Evaluate the pricing and availability of replacement parts in your area. 

Finally, examine the price of the dewatering pump. Most manufacturers price their dewatering pumps competitively. Nevertheless, they offer discounts to serious clients and aftermarket services such as free shipping and servicing. You might opt for a used dewatering pump if you are on a budget. If this is your case, consider a professional inspection to determine the pump's condition and any repairs it could need. The assessment also gives insights into the pump's durability. As a rule, ask the seller for a guarantee.  
